It is true what "they" say: "When you're unemployed - volunteer". Each time I've been unemployed I volunteered at various places. For over a year, I kept my voice in practice for my voice over career by recording for the blind and I loved it. It was a great way to get my voice on tape for agents to hear - if any agent wanted to hear it" (and I emphasize any). This time around I decided to volunteer at the Humane Society and I'm so glad I did. When you're down and out with no money, what makes you feel better than to go and play with a cat or dog, brush it, talk to it, spend time and compare the state of your lives. It makes me forget my own problems for a few hours. Volunteering is a great opportunity to get experience that you wouldn't normally get the chance to learn. It is also a great networking device if you choose. You just never know.
Anyway, if I don't clean this house it's going walk away on its own. That's the trouble with blogging, it's just another (good) excuse not to do your chores. After all, it is more enjoyable.